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The importance of CHOICE,  the joy of WORK, the power of COMPASSION.

MARC Mt Horeb Building Project


Pictured here from L to R:
State of Wisconsin Senator Dianne Hesselbein, Project Manager with Premier Building Solutions, Inc. Tina Redington, President and CEO of the Mt Horeb Chamber of Commerce Rachel LaCasse-Ford, Village of Mt. Horeb Village Administrator Nic Owen, MARC participant Robert Konarski, MARC Program Director Kim Watrud, MARC Participant Zach McQuade, MARC Executive Director Suzanne Hanson, MARC Board Chair Mary Anne Oemichen, President and Owner of Premier Building Solutions, Inc. James Leuzinger, CEO of Premier Co-op Matt Severson


Pictured here from L to R:
Beki, Maggie, Payton, Carissa, Jacob, Jenni, Dani, David, Melissa, Lauren, Dean, Kim W, Jennifer, Tanya, Kyle, Mick, Marsha, Isaac, Grandma Kathy-volunteer, Nicole, Siana, and Jeff.

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Check Donations

Simply make a check to MARC Inc or the MARC Foundation.  We will provide a letter that you can use for your tax purposes.

Mail Donations to:

MARC, Inc.
901 Post Road
Madison, WI 53713-3260